Domestic robots have the potential to improve quality of life through performing household tasks as well as providing personal assistance and care. To be successful, domestic robots need to be able to work in households with different physical environments as well as user types, values, and power relations.
There are many complexities governing the use of domestic robots. These robots need to be designed in different ways for diverse living spaces, building styles, household users, and non-humans in the space, such as pets or plants. Robots can impact social dynamics in the household and the broader labor ecosystems. It is important to consider ways the robots can engender trust, meet functional needs of users, and allow for customizability that fits the values of the people in the home. To achieve these goals, robot designers may incorporate different forms of intersectional approaches and engage potential household end-users in co-creation and participatory design—from the first to the final steps of the design process.
1. Understanding the Needs and Preferences of Diverse Households allows for robots to be used in various physical environments and by multiple users within the house.
2. Value Alignment between Robot and Household is a critical part of the design process that involves understanding the individual household's values and norms—including how cultural and gender differences affect household tasks.
3. Overcoming Domain Gaps Between Training and Deployment:There is often a mismatch between training scenarios and deployment environments in terms of physical space and interpersonal relations. Closing the domain gap through diversity in training tasks, settings, and evaluation metrics is crucial for successful use of domestic robots.
4. Addressing Domestic and Global Power Dynamics: Roboticists must consider how robots can impact social dynamics both in the house and the broader labor market.
Domestic robots have the potential to improve the quality of human life through performance of household tasks as well as providing personal assistance and care. Users may include older adults who need additional support to stay in the home; children who need educational support; people with specific conditions or disabilities who need assistive care; and people who need general assistance with household tasks (e.g., cleaning, cooking, folding clothes). Many of these tasks typically fall on the shoulders of women in ways compounded by class and economic status. It is important to consider the intersectional aspects of robot design across diverse environments.
It is also important to consider ways the robots can engender trust, meet functional needs of users, and allow for customizability that fits the values of the people in the home. These values can differ by culture and by type of household (e.g., single, family, roommates), as well as among the individuals within a household. They are flexible and may shift over time. To achieve these goals, robot designers may incorporate different forms of intersectional analysis in the design process and work together with potential household end-users in the design of robots—from the first to the final steps of the process.
Home robots need to support the accessibility, dignity, preferences, and self-efficacy of a variety of people living in different types of households (fig. 1). These may include:
The activities, behaviors, communication, and data processing of the robot should be aligned with:
Method: Co-Creation and Participatory Design
A key step is building a value-norm model into the knowledge base of the robot to allow it to act as a partner in household tasks (see fig. 2).
This value-norm model needs to be instantiated for the specific robot household tasks (e.g., keeping distance and processing data about perceived dirt). The robot should be able to explain the norm and its behaviors in relation to the norms to diverse household members (e.g., the origin and reason for the norm) (Miller, 2019). Note that the norms should support inclusiveness (e.g., specific support needs for household members with disabilities, which may require greater robot autonomy).
Fig. 2: Value-norm model (Kayal et al., 2019).
For more on value-sensitive design, refer to Friedman et al. (2017); for value elicitation methods and value story workshop, refer to Harbers et al. (2015); and for grounded theory, refer to Kayal et al. (2019) and Cremers et al. (2014).
Users need to understand how choices about certain values may affect the robot’s performance. For example, if the household chooses to keep data local to preserve privacy, the robot might learn more slowly (fig. 3).
Robots need to perform with a variety of people in diverse domestic environments. Disparities between design and deployment may result from:
These mismatches can be grounded in the background information available to roboticists as they build systems (fig. 4). This can include problem definition, feature selection, and machine learning data sources used in training scenarios versus in deployment environments.
Closing the domain gaps between training and deployment requires diversity in training tasks, environments, and evaluation metrics. Developers can account for this diversity in demonstrations, instructions, and interactions. They can further ensure that robots meet user needs by involving potential end-users in the design process (Olivier et al., 2022; Barnes et al., 2017; Lee et al., 2017).
New machine learning methods, such as multi-task learning and adversarial training, may also be used to alleviate model bias (Benton et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2018). These methods have the potential to improve performance for diverse users in different environments but have not yet been widely applied to robotics. Further, it is important to critically consider the sources of data, methods of feature extraction, and resulting machine learning models to identify and address potential sources of bias. Limitations should be clearly specified in robot designs and applications.
The introduction of robots into households can deliberately or unintentionally affect social dynamics between various people.
Domestic power dynamics. Robots may intervene in household interactions. A robot microphone that turns to face a person who has not spoken much might inspire more equitable turn-taking in conversation (Tennent et al., 2019). A robot that responds to negative or angry interactions in the home by cringing or shying away may prompt members of the household to reflect on their interactions and potentially ameliorate them (Rifinski et al., 2021). It is therefore important to consider how the robot might directly or indirectly impact the power dynamics in the home. Involving end-users and customizing the robot’s performance within real household contexts may allow for a balance between designer prescription of robot responses and user control during such interactions.
Physical abuse. Should robots be designed to intervene in domestic abuse? Initial research shows that children are more likely to report abusive behavior to robots than to adults (Bethel et al., 2016). How should the robot respond to dangerous situations? Should robots be designed to include reporting capabilities? And to whom will they report? Will users need to opt in/out of these features? Who in the household will decide—especially in cases of disagreement between household members? User-sensitive work is needed to address these open questions.
Overcoming stereotypes. Robots deployed in homes may have the potential to challenge the gendered nature of housework. The Roomba, for example, inspired teens and men to do more vacuuming (Forlizzi, 2007). Robots may also remind household members to do chores, thus removing this emotional labor from women (Dobrosovestnova et al., 2021).
Broader power dynamics. As long as robots are not fully autonomous, they may be partially controlled by remote workers—the gig economy may move from MTurk and into robotics in the near future (e.g., Mandlekar et al., 2018). In some cases, this can have positive outcomes as exemplified by DAWN Avatar Robot Café in Tokyo. The DAWN robots are primarily controlled remotely by people with disabilities, thus engaging diverse people into broader social networks. Yet, equity is not a given. In the global service economy, care robots used in developed countries are being teleoperated by people from low- and middle-income countries, raising critical questions about labor conditions, global labor extraction, and flows (Guevarra, 2018). Robots may need to challenge existing norms in deployed environments. Norm-critical innovation questions power relations that may perpetuate various forms of discrimination.
Domestic robots have the potential to greatly improve the quality of human life by both taking on chores and household maintenance and providing personal assistance and care. It is important to center the intersectional aspects of the robot design by allowing for co-design of these robots between roboticists and users. For equity and quality of performance, developers must consider ways that robots can engender trust, meet the functional needs of diverse users, and allow for customizability that fits the range of values within a home. It is also important to consider ways to improve household processes and not simply use the robots as a band-aid for a system that requires improved processes. Future domestic robots may, for instance, be sensitive to the social roles of household members and their interactions, including negative ones, and respond in an ethical, value-centered fashion.
1. This case study has focused on robots in domestic spaces. It will also be important to consider interactions with systems outside the household, e.g., delivery, maintenance repair of the robots, recycling, social services, and possible remote control of the robot.
2. Domestic robots may have broader societal impacts, such as displacing human house cleaners. Local and national governments should consider the broader impacts of automation and develop programs to reskill workers to meet the needs of the future.
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Domestic robots have the potential to improve quality of life through performing household tasks as well as providing personal assistance and care. To be successful, domestic robots need to be able to work in households with different physical environments as well as user types, values, and power relations.
Gendered Innovations:
1. Understanding the Needs and Preferences of Diverse Households
2. Value Alignment between Robot and Household
3. Overcoming Domain Gaps between Training and Deployment Environments
4.Addressing Domestic and Global Power Dynamics