Researchers and engineers, their senior staff, and other stakeholders make strategic decisions about what work to undertake: They set priorities for future research. This method discusses how to address the potential implications of strategic choices in terms of sex or gender.
A number of factors influence how researchers and engineers think about their research and development priorities, all of which may raise sex- and gender-related issues. These factors include:
- ● initiatives of public and private funders and other stakeholders
- ● industrial funding and lobbying
- ● military funding priorities and lobbying
- ● health funding priorities and lobbying
- ● regulatory environment
- ● market research on competitors or particular market segments
- ● the configuration of academic disciplines
- ● professional career tracks and standards for promotion
- ● political and cultural initiatives and movements
- ● a desire to solve social problems
- ● personal experience and interests
- ● beliefs and unconscious assumptions