
Gendered Innovations in Science, Medicine, and Engineering

Project Director

Professor Londa Schiebinger
John L. Hinds Professor of History of Science
Stanford University

Principal Co-Director

Professor Ineke Klinge, Emerita
Gender Medicine, Caphri School for Public Health and Primary Care
Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences
Maastricht University

Project Co-Directors

Dr. Elena Gissi
Senior Scientist, Italian National Research Council
Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR), Venice, Italy

Professor Hee Young Paik
Department of Food and Nutrition
Seoul National University

Professor Inés Sánchez de Madariaga
Urban and Regional Planning, School of Architecture, Technical University of Madrid
Head, Women and Science Unit, Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovations
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain

Professor Mathias Wullum Nielsen
Department of Sociology
University of Copenhagen

Professor Sabine Oertelt-Prigione
Strategic Chair of Gender in Primary and Transmural Care
Radboud University, Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Sex- and Gender-Sensitive Medicine
University of Bielefeld, Germany

Professor Dr. Martina Schraudner
Gender and Diversity in Organizations
Technical University Berlin
Strategic Research Planning, Fraunhofer-Headquarters, Berlin

Professor Marcia Stefanick
Medicine, and Obstetrics and Gynecology
Director, Women and Sex Differences in Medicine Center
Stanford University

Project Funders

  • ● Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research, Stanford University (2009—2010)
    ● European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (2011—2012; 2019—2020)
    ● U.S. National Science Foundation (2012—2014)
  • ● Caphri School for Public Health and Primary Care, Maastricht University (2011)
    ● Program in History and Philosophy of Science, Stanford University (2011;2018)
    ● Dean's Office, School of Humanities & Sciences, Stanford University (2011—2012; 2018)
    ● Dean's Office, School of Medicine, Stanford University (2011—2012)
    ● Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of Research, Stanford University (2011—2012)
    ● Gender and Diversity in Organizations, Department of Machine Tools and Factory Management,
       Technical University, Berlin (2011)
    ● Ministry for Higher Education and Research, France (2012)
    ● Institute of Gender in Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (2012)
    ● Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas, Madrid (2012)
    ● Department of the History of Science, Harvard University (2012)
    ● Korea Federation of Women's Science & Technology Associations (2014)
    ● Elsevier Foundation (2018)


Professor Stephanie G. Adams
Dean and Lars Magnus Ericsson Chair
Engineering & Computer Science
University of Texas at Dallas

Professor Ingrid Ahnesjö
Department of Ecology and Genetics/Animal Ecology
Uppsala University

Professor Antonis Argyros
Computer Science
University of Crete

Professor Atta Badii
Intelligent Media Systems and Services Research Laboratories
School of Systems Engineering
University of Reading

Pascal Baudrit
Project Manager
Biomechanical Department
European Center for Security Studies and Risk Analysis (CEESAR)

Professor Reuben Binns
Associate Professor of Human Centred Computing
Department of Computer Science
University of Oxford

Professor Bettina Bock
Professor of Inclusive Rural Development
Wageningen University, Netherlands

Kévin Boëzennec
Interaction Designer, Attoma

Professor Jeannette Bohg
Computer Science
Stanford University

Professor Tomas Brage
Physics and MAX-lab
Dean of Undergraduate Studies
Lund University

Dr. Jaelle C. Brealey
Department of Ecology and Genetics/Animal Ecology
Uppsala University

Ingrida Bremere, MSc
Environmental Expert and Project Manager
Baltic Environmental Forum, Latvia

Dr. Antoinette Brink
Medical Molecular Microbiologist
Maastricht University Medical Center

Professor Amy Bug
Physics and Astronomy
Swarthmore College

Annika Carlsson-Kanyama, PhD
Research Director, Energy and Climate Adaptation Studies
FOI, Swedish Institute of Defense Analysis, Stockholm
Adjunct Professor, Department of Energy and Environmental Systems Studies
Lund University

Professor Justine Cassell
Director, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University

Professor Hilda Rømer Christensen
University of Copenhagen

Professor Carole Clair
Gender Medicine
Center for Primary Care and Public Health
Lausanne University, Switzerland

Professor Hans Clevers
Molecular Geneticist, Hubrecht Institute
University Medical Centre Utrecht
President, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences

Professor Cecile Crutzen
School of Informatics
Open University, The Netherlands

Professor Heather Culbertson
Gabilan Assistant Professor of Computer Science
University of Southern California

Professor Dr. Doris Damyanovic
Institute of Landscape Planning
Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU Vienna)

Professor Jayne Danska
Medical Biophysics
Institute of Medical Sciences
University of Toronto, Canada

Professor Gary L. Darmstadt
Associate Dean for Maternal and Child Health
Professor of Neonatal and Developmental Pediatrics
Stanford School of Medicine
Stanford University

Professor Anupam Datta
Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Computer Science and CyLab
Carnegie Mellon University

Marius Diserens, M.Sc.
Health and Gender Unit
Center for Primary Care and Public Health
Lausanne University, Switzerland

Dr. Jenna Donohue
Department of Philosophy
Harvard University

Professor Cynthia Dwork
Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science
Harvard University

Professor Gillian Einstein
Psychology, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Director, Collaborative Graduate Program in Women's Health, University of Toronto
Institute Advisory Board Member, CIHR Institute of Gender and Health

Dr Robert P. Ellis
NERC Industrial Innovation Fellow within the College of Life and Environmental Science
University of Exeter

Dr. Pieter Emans
Orthopaedic Surgery
Maastricht University Medical Centre
Caphri School for Public Health and Primary Care

Dr. Wendy Faulkner
Institute for the Study of Science, Technology, and Innovation (ISSTI)
University of Edinburgh

Professor Lorena Fernández Álvarez
ICT (AI, Machine Learning)
Director of Digital Communication (Public Affairs)
University of Deusto, Spain

Professor Paul Fowler
Center for Reproductive Endocrinology & Medicine
Chair, Translational Medical Sciences
University of Aberdeen

Professor Dr. Piet Geusens
Biomedical Research Institute
University Hasselt, Belgium

Dr. Elena Gissi
EC Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow
Visiting Scholar, Hopkins Marine Station
Stanford University
Senior Researcher
National Research Council, Italy

Professor Jonathan Gratch
Computer Science
University of Southern California

Felicia Gustafsson, MSc
Environmental Management and Policy
Stena Circular Consulting, Sweden

Dr. Inger Gustafsson
Head of Silicon Valley Office

Keith Hall, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Google, New York

Sophia Ivarsson
PhD and Program manager; Gender & diversity for innovation
Vinnova – Sweden’s innovation agency

Professor Daniel Jurafsky
Department of Linguistics and, by courtesy, Computer Science
Stanford University

Pratyusha Ria Kalluri
PhD Candidate
Computer Science and Stanford AI Lab
Stanford University

Anat Katz-Arotchas
Founder & CEO
Standpoint Product and Gender Consulting

Professor Monroe Kennedy III
Mechanical Engineering, and, by courtesy, of Computer Science
Stanford University

Been Kim
Researcher, Google Brain

Professor Nayoung Kim
School of Medicine
Seoul National University

Professor Barbara Koenig
Biomedical Ethics and Medicine
Mayo Clinic

Professor Sabra Klein
Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Johns Hopkins University

Professor Heather Knight
Computer Science
Oregon State University
She also runs Marilyn Monrobot, a robot theater company featuring comedy performances by Data the Robot, and an annual Robot Film Festival.

Dr. Ellen Kuhlmann
Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Social Policy
University of Bath

Professor James Landay
Anand Rajaraman and Venky Harinarayan Professor in the School of Engineering
Stanford University

Professor Philip Lavori
Health Research and Policy
Stanford University

Professor Crystal Lee
Senior Fellow in Responsible Computer Design
Computational Media and Design

Dr. Cynthia Lee
Computer Science
Stanford University

Professor Dr. Carmen Leicht-Scholten
Gender and Diversity in Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering
RWTH Aachen University

Professor Jung Eun Lee
Department of Food and Nutrition
Sookmyung Women's University

Barbara Lenz
Director of the Institute of Transport Research
German Aerospace Centre
Professor for Transport Geography, Humboldt University, Berlin

Professor Michael Lepech
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Senior Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment
Stanford University

Professor Astrid Linder
Adjunct Professor
Chalmers University of Technology
Research Director, Traffic Safety
Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute

Dr. Anke Lipinsky
Center of Excellence Women and Science CEWS
GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Professor Helen Longino
Clarence Irving Lewis Professor in Philosophy
Stanford University

Dr. Bernadette Luna
Earth Sciences
Ames Research Center

Professor Susanne Maass
Sociotechnical Systems Design & Gender
Bremen University

Professor Gregor Majdič
Center for Animal Genomics
University of Ljubljana
Institute of Physiology
University of Maribor

Professor William J. Maloney
Elsbach-Richards Professor in Surgery
Stanford School of Medicine

Professor Edwin Mariman
School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism
NUTRIM School for Nutrition, Toxicology, and Metabolism
Department of Human Biology
Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Dr. Ivain Martinossi-Allibert
Department of Ecology and Genetics/Animal Ecology &
Department of Organismal Biology
Uppsala University

Professor Maja J Matarić
Chan Soon-Shiong Professor of Computer Science, Neuroscience, and Pediatrics
Vice Dean for Research, Viterbi School of Engineering
Director, Robotics and Autonomous Systems Center (RASC)
University of Southern California

Professor Sandra Mayson
Assistant Professor of Law
University of Georgia

Professor Margaret McCarthy
Chair, Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
University of Maryland

Valerie Meausoone
Assistant Director of Data Implementation, Data Core Population Health Sciences
Stanford School of Medicine

Professor Virginia M. Miller
Physiology and Surgery
Mayo Clinic

Professor Jeffrey Mogil
E.P. Taylor Professor of Pain Studies
McGill University, Canada

Dr. Françoise Moos
Director of Research, Emeritus
National Center of Scientific Research
Institute of Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences, Strasbourg
Officer for the Mission for the Status of Women
National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris

Dr. Jennifer Morinay
Department of Ecology and Genetics/Animal Ecology
Uppsala University

Professor Mark Neerincx
Human-Centered Computing
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands

Professor Kirsi Niinimäki
Department of Design
Aalto University

Professor Safiya Umoja Noble
Assistant Professor, Annenberg School of Communications
University of Southern California

Hwayoung Noh, Postdoctoral Fellow
Dietary Exposure Assessment Group
International Agency for Research on Cancer, France

Professor Allison Okamura
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Stanford University

Helene Oldrup, Ph.D.
Danish National Centre for Social Research, Copenhagen

PD Dr. Martina Padmanabhan
Southeast Asian Studies Section
University of Passau

Professor Petr Pavlik
Department of Gender Studies
Charles University, Prague

Professor Marco Pavonne
Assistant Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and by courtesy
Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering
and the Information Systems Laboratory, Stanford University

Professor Bart Penders, PhD
Health, Ethics & Society
Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences
Maastricht University

Professor Susan Phillips
Queen's University, Canada 

Maria Poley, MS
Wolfson Department of Chemical Engineering
Technion—Israel Institute of Technology

Elizabeth Pollitzer, PhD
Director, Portia Ltd

Professor Robert N. Proctor
History of Science
Stanford University

Dr. Chandra Vadhana Radhakrishnan
Gendered Innovations Lab
Stanford University

Mrinalini Rao
Research, Facebook

Professor Renee Reijo Pera
George D. Smith Professor in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Stanford School of Medicine

Professor Vera Regitz-Zagrosek
Director, Berlin Institute of Gender in Medicine
Center for Cardiovascular Research
Charité Campus Mitte, Berlin

Professor Omer Reingold
Computer Science
Stanford University

Professor Sarah Richardson
History of Science, and Women, Gender and Sexuality
Harvard University

Professor Sue V. Rosser
San Francisco State University

Professor Javier Ruiz
Urban and Regional Planning
School of Architecture
Technical University of Madrid

Professor Selma Šabanović
Informatics and Cognitive Science
Associate Dean for Graduate Education
Indiana University, Bloomington

Professor Dorsa Sadigh
Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Stanford University

Professor Avi Schroeder
Wolfson Department of Chemical Engineering
Technion—Israel Institute of Technology

Professor Sigrid Schmitz
Gender Studies
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Vienna

Professor Hans Schöler
Cell and Developmental Biology
Max Planck Institute, Münster

Klaus Schröder, Industrial Designer, MA
Design Director
Design-People, Aarhus, Denmark

Dr. Joëlle Schwarz
Health and Gender Unit
Center for Primary Care and Public Health
Lausanne University, Switzerland

D. Sculley
Researcher, Google Brain

Professor Katie Seaborn
Industrial Engineering and Economics
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Professor Jae Eun Shim
Department of Food and Nutrition
Daejon University

Peter Simlinger
Director, International Institute for Information Design (IIID)
Simlinger Informations-Design GmbH, Vienna

Dr. Roger A. Søraa
Centre for Technology and Society​
NTNU Norwegian University of Science and technology

Professor-Ing. Rainer Stark
Division Director
Virtual Product Creation
Fraunhofer-Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology (IPK), Berlin

Professor Mi Kyung Sung
Department of Food and Nutrition
Sookmyung Women's University

Cara Tannenbaum, MD, MSc
Scientific Director, Institute of Gender and Health
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Professor, Medicine and Pharmacy
Université de Montréal

Marie-Hélène Therre, Eng.
CEO, Therre Consultancy, Paris
President, Femmes Ingénieurs
Chairwoman, World Federation of Engineering Organizations Standing Committee on Women in Engineering

Dr. Francesco Trisolini
Vice President
Hospitex Diagnostics SRL

Professor Dr. Arch. D.I. Franziska Ullmann
Institute for Spatial Conception and Fundamentals of Design
University of Stuttgart

Georgios Tsatsaronis
Principal Natural Language Processing Scientist, Content and Innovation

Margreet van der Burg, Senior Lecturer/Researcher
Gender Studies in Food, Agricultural and Rural Research and Development,
Wageningen University, Netherlands

Professor Manuela Veloso
Herbert A. Simon Professor Computer Science, and by courtesy, Mechanical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University

Catherine Vidal, PhD
Neurobiologist and Research Director
Institut Pasteur, Paris

Professor Geert de Vries
Director, Neuroscience Institute
Georgia State University

Professor Dr. Christine Wächter
Director, Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture (IFZ)
Scientific Director, Centre of Women Studies and Gender Research
Klagenfurt University

Professor Judy Wajcman
Anthony Giddens Professor of Sociology, London School of Economics
Visiting Professor, Oxford Internet Institute
Fellow CASBS, Stanford University

Professor Teresa Woodruff
Thomas J. Watkins Memorial Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Northwestern University

Dr. Petra Wolffs
Medical Molecular Microbiologist
Maastricht University Medical Center

Dr. Ruohan Zhang
Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Fellow
Vision and Learning Lab
Computer Science
Stanford University

Professor James Zou
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Data Science and, by courtesy, of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Stanford University

Professor Irving Zucker
Psychology and Integrative Biology
University of California, Berkeley

Faculty Advisory Board

Professor Jenna Davis
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Higgins-Magid Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University

Professor Louise Fortmann
Natural Resource Sociology
Rudy Grah Chair in Forestry and Sustainable Development
University of California, Berkeley

Professor Cynthia Friend
Theodore Williams Richards Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Professor of Materials Science
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Harvard University

Professor Robert Gray
Lucent Technologies Professor in Communications and Networking, Emeritus
Stanford University

Professor Ann Grimes
Lorry I. Lokey Professor
Communication, Stanford University

Professor Sheri Sheppard
Mechanical Engineering
Stanford University

Professor Charis Thompson
Gender and Women's Studies
Science, Technology, and Society
University of California, Berkeley

Professor Hannah Valantine
Senior Associate Dean for Diversity and Leadership in the School of Medicine
Cardiovascular Medicine
Stanford University

Professor Richard Zare
Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor in Natural Science
Stanford University

Research Team

Principal Project Researchers

Addison Arlow, BS, Stanford University (2010—2012)
Sarah Newman, MA, Maastricht University (2011—2013)
Hannah LeBlanc, Ph.D. Candidate, History of Science, Stanford University (2014—)

Contributing Research Team

Kate Benham, BA, Stanford University (2009—2010)
Hania Faridi, BS, Stanford University (2009—2010)
Nikhil Garg, PhD candidate, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University (2018)
Shannon K. Gilmartin, Ph.D., Director of SKG Analysis (2009—2010)
James Liao, BA, Stanford University (Summer 2009)
Nishma Sachedina, BS, Stanford University (2009—2010)
Tina Roh, Class of 2014, Stanford University (2012)
Gia Paige Soles, Class of 2019, Stanford University (2018)
Claire Baker, class of 2021, Stanford University (2018)
Bryan Defjan, BS, Class of 2024, Stanford University (2022)
Amirata Ghorbani, PhD candidate, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University (2018)
Emma Pierson, PhD candidate, CS, Stanford University (2018)
Stephan Risi, PhD candidate, History of Science, Stanford University (2018)
Lauren Elizabeth Wegner, Class of 2018, MS 2019, Stanford University (2018)
Anita Garg, Class of 2022, Stanford University (2020)
Yuzu Ido, Class of 2022, Stanford University (2020)
Julia Kadie, Class of 2022, Stanford University (2020)
John W. Kustin, Class of 2022, Stanford University (2020)
Katerina P. Günter, PhD candidate, Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University (2020)
Mattias Siljestam, PhD candidate, Department of Ecology and Genetics/Animal Ecology, Uppsala University (2020)
Josefine Stångberg, PhD candidate, Department of Ecology and Genetics/Animal Ecology, Uppsala University (2020)
Paula Vasconcelos, PhD candidate, Department of Ecology and Genetics/Animal Ecology, Uppsala University (2020)
Nathalie da Silva, Project Manager, Energy Technology & Innovation, Steinbeis- Europa-Zentrum, Steinbeis 2i GmbH, Germany (2018-20)
Janine Fleming, BS, Class of 2023, Stanford University (2022)

Graphic Designers

Aubrie Lee, Class of 2014, Stanford University (2011—2012)
Erik Steiner, Creative Director, Spatial History Lab, Stanford University (2012—2013)
Melina Isabel López, Class of 2020, Stanford University (2018)

Web Experts

Rosemary Rogers (2012—)
Rolling Orange, Inc. (2009—2010)


Jennifer Chang, Gunn High School (Summer 2011)



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